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Showing posts from 2016

Online education: Because its important to upgrade your skills!

Right from social networking to find and connect with friends, to reading the newspaper; or lately even buying the grocery, we are all logged in and “Online” for almost every single thing today. In the list of probably everything we do online one of the most important components that can and must be added is online education. Dentistry is all about learning the basic science and theory, observing and practicing the skills and finally implementing it perfectly well on our patients. Some of you reading this article may be in the process of still graduating, some may have finished their education lately and some may be established practitioners, but one thing common for any of the above is that, at which ever state of our practice we are, we all need to upgrade our skills to a level up from where we are now in order to survive in the competition that is existing around all of us. Leaving our daily schedules aside and planning leaves may not be possible every time we want and thus the ...