So here is a picture which I took while I was between my sub-gingival scaling procedure today! My patient was a 33-year-old man who complained that, since he was told to get his teeth cleaned once every six months, he has developed bleeding and receding gums! He said that the whole idea is wrong and he has to face a lot because of the same now! Apparently, this man has been getting his scaling done once every six months, and wow this is the state of his gums! I really don’t know what makes the dentists ignore such a basic procedure! Or maybe because we have been focusing more on the “big cases” and “Dental Implants” we forget that it is our duty to give our patients the basics right! I can’t describe the amount of negativity he had for dentists and the notion of regular oral checkups! As per him, regular visits are just a money minting procedure, because he ended up in disease despite doing the same since past 5 years! I feel if the treatment is done like this then yes regular c...